Metabolic Testing


If you are looking for more precise information about your progress then book in for a metabolic test. We do three different types of metabolic testing. This includes a resting metabolic rate (RMR) test, a breathing capacity test and a VO2 max test.

RMR test

The RMR test is the most accurate way of calculating the amount of calories you burn in a day and the fuel source you use (carbohydrates or fats).

Breathing Capacity test

The breathing capacity test will identify any limitations to your breathing and what respiratory training might be appropriate.

VO2 max

Lastly, a VO2 max test will tell you the maximum amount of oxygen the body can utilise. This can tell you the most accurate training zones and the energy you require at these intensities. Your VO2 max is a key determinant of aerobic performance.


After all of the tests you will be sent a report based off your performance.

RMR & Breathing capacity test - £75

VO2 max test - £120

All of the tests _£150